Friday, May 20, 2011

Las empanadas

¡Hola! Mi nombre es Antonio Reveron.

Esto es las empanadas.

¡Ay dios mio! Es muy bueno! Me gusta empanadas! Muy bueno!

    What was your impression of Sazón and the owners? Oh, the owners were really nice. The restaurant may have been small, but it was still beautiful. I would go back, if I was rich.
·       What was your impression of this dish? Is it similar to anything you've tried before? I wondered what the food would taste like. I've had Spanish food before, so was it really going to taste any different? Once I had this dish, I was blown away beyond this planet! This is the Spanish dish I've ever had!

1 comment:

  1. hello soy leidys de venezuela aqui en venezuela estos son nustros platos tipicos
